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Buhari urged to reward voters with performance

Buhari urged to reward voters with performance

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By Jimitota Onoyume
WARRI—A political activist, Mr. Edward Nikagbatse-Oki, has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to reciprocate the votes from the common man by ensuring he delivers on his campaign promises to Nigerians.
Speaking in Warri, Delta State, he also called on the electorate to consolidate the Buhari administration by voting massively for All Progressives Congress, APC, in the governorship and state House of Assembly elections on Saturday, adding that APC government in all parts of the country will enhance the performance ability of the President.
He said: “Take your respective states from Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and their allies because they sold your states with their corrupt practices and under-developed the states with their ill-gotten wealth.
“Think Nigeria, talk Nigeria; protect and defend the unity of the country and stop paying lip service to Nigeria, the giant of Africa.
“Mr. President and all elected APC National Assembly members, the common man has done their job by electing you. You should reciprocate by meeting their yearnings and aspirations.”

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